Phương Pháp Trồng Hoa Xứ Đại.


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How To: Rooting Plumeria Cuttings

This short guide will demonstrate how to root plumeria cuttings. Fill a decent sized container (1 gallon pots generally work well, bigger pots will hold too much moisture) with a well draining cactus mix or whatever mix works for you, but keep in mind that excellent drainage is a must. We recommend mixing your potting soil with a 50/50 mix of cactus soil to pumice. Pumice is a small stone pebble that will provide some weight for your pot and give very good drainage for your plumeria cutting and will not break down over time like perlite does. It will also not float up excessively like perlite does. Dip the cut end of your cutting into a bit of Dip n Gro that has been diluted according to directions and then into a rooting hormone such as RooTone. Lightly tap the end of the cutting to remove excess powder. Insert the handle of a small shovel/spade to create a hole for your cutting. This will ensure that the cuttings rooting hormone powder does not fall off. Insert cutting into soil about five inches and place in warm sunlight or under a grow light. If placing outside, placing on a concrete deck will provide the warmth needed at the bottom of the pot. We recommend using black nursery style pots since they absorb the most heat that is good for successful rooting.
Soak the mix and allow excess water to drain completely. We cannot stress enought to not overwater your plumeria cutting. Although the top of the soil may be dry, the cutting will be moist on the bottom and needs little water to root. It roots to find more water and if the end of the cutting is too wet, it will rot. Water at the initial planting and then do not water till you see at least four leaves. By then the plumeria cuttings roots will be developed and cannot wait for your fertilizer. See below for plumeria fertilizer recommendations. Drainage, amount of sun, wind, etc will all affect the amount of water your cutting needs so you'll need to carefully monitor the cutting while it is rooting. Generally speaking, you'll want to water sparingly. It's essential that you not overwater as plumeria will as stem rot can occur rapidly when cuttings are kept too wet. Rooting can take from 1-3 months, again depending on conditions. After your cutting is rooted, you'll want to fertilize every other week during the spring and summer and taper off in early fall. As mentioned above, you'll want to use a high phosphate fertilizer such as Schultz Plus 10-54-10. Regardless of what you use, make sure it's the middle number that's high as that will help encourage stronger blooming. Also another supplent that we highly recommend for all your plants and not just your plumeria is SuperThrive. It can be found online or at your local nursery or bib box home supply store. It is a great vitamin and hormone additive to promote healthy plants and provide the nutrients missing in fertilizer. Plants need both a quality fertilizer and a source for micronutrients, which SuperThrive essentially provides. See below for the brands we use.


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How To: Germinating Plumeria/Adenium Seeds

This will serve as a short but complete guide as to how to plant plumeria seeds. As simple as it seems, it is the preferred way we germinate Plumeria Seeds at Plumeria Paradise. This method of germinating plumeria / adenium seeds has worked well for me and for my customers. I suggest that beginners plant one seed at a time until you are comfortable germinating plumeria/adenium seeds.

Soak seed overnight (8-24 hours for plumeria, 2-4 hours for adenium) between two layers of wet paper towels. Do not let the paper towels dry out.

Fill a small pot with a well draining cactus mix. Soak the soil and allow it to drain completely. For plumeria seeds, insert heavy end of seed no deeper than ¼ inch into the soil, leaving the feathered end exposed. Adenium seeds are inserted horizontally no deeper than ¼ inch into soil and covered lightly. Place pot in direct morning sunlight or under a grow light, keeping away from frosts or freezing temps. The amount of watering needed during germination will depend on a variety of conditions. I don't allow the soil to completely dry out, but you must be careful not to keep the soil soggy or standing in water. During germination, I spray mist seeds 2-3 times a day with Spray n Gro. This provides humidity and the fertilizer gives an extra boost.

Germination will occur between 3 and 21 days. Once seed sprouts leaves and sheds the seed shell, transfer to larger growing pot. Continue to keep moist and do not let dry in between waterings but DO NOT OVER WATER! Once seed has germinated and is transplanted, I stop spraying fertilizer, and actually fertilize every 2 weeks with a high phosphate fertilizer, such as Schultz Plus 10-54-10. How To: Germinating Ti Seeds Place ti seeds between two layers of wet paper towels and soak until they split and start to germinate. With this method of germination, ti will normally sprout within a week or two, so you need to keep the paper towels wet until the seeds split. Fill a small pot with a well draining cactus mix. Soak the soil and allow it to drain completely. Make a hole ¼ inch in the soil, drop the seed in and cover lightly with soil. Place pot in good morning sunlight (about 6 hours a day) or under a grow light, keeping away from frosts or freezing temps. In most areas, full sun and particularly during the hot part of the day, will fry ti seedlings. If you are able to grow seedlings under a shade cloth that would be ideal, but simply placing your pots where they have some protection from hot afternoon sun will also work. Ti's watering needs are opposite plumeria and adenium. Where they do best on the dry side, ti is more forgiving and prefers to be a bit more wet. Watering is going to depend on season, temps, etc. Don't allow ti to completely dry out. Like many foliage plants, ti is grown for its beautiful variety of leaf colorations. Too much fertilizing can dull your ti plants, so don't use the same fertilizer you would for plumeria/adenium. Osmocote time release granular fertilizer is a good choice for ti. A Note About Plumeria Fertilizers: There is much debate amongst home users as to which fertilizers give the best results. The suggestions given above are simply the ones which have worked well for us. Please keep in mind that all plants have individual feeding needs and a 'one size fits all' fertilizing plan generally will result in poor results. We at the nursery use these products and they work well for us. Rootone (Rooting Hormone Powder), Dip n Grow (Rooting Hormone Liquid), Spray n Grow Products (Spray n Grow and Coco-Wet), SuperThrive (Multi Nutrient),GrowMore® 5-50-17 Hawaiian Bud & Bloom (General Blooming Fertilizer), Epsom Salt (during signs of yellow plumeria leaves) and Honey (it is a great natural antibacterial that is used in the rooting process).



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thành thật góp ý cùng bạn
0909020104 Tuấn


Thành viên
oh okay! no problem my friend, yae không quan tâm nhiều post có được đưa lên hay đưa xuống ... cám ơn bigbabol đã góp ý nhưng mà nói đi phải nói lại cũng có những người vn ở mỹ vào website thì tìm ra cách trồng thì không khó phải đi tìm lục lội trên net cho mệt . Yae post đây không phải dành riêng cho vn đâu à, mà là cho mọi người trong nước và nước ngoài international okay! :D bigbabol không hiểu cũng không sao, một chút có mạnh thường quân sẽ ra tay nghiã hiệp dịch cho bạn Okay Mr., hehehe cái này bạn tự mò vào đọc là do bạn, cận thị là cũng là tại bạn, tôi đâu kêu bạn đọc ... hahaha :eek: ai mà chiụ cho bạn đây, way way có insurance hông đây, mai mốt vô post của tôi đọc, bạn phải đưa giấy bảo hiểm kiểm xoát xong mới cho vào nhen :cool:

thân chào


oh okay! no problem my friend, yae không quan tâm nhiều post có được đưa lên hay đưa xuống ... cám ơn bigbabol đã góp ý nhưng mà nói đi phải nói lại cũng có những người vn ở mỹ vào website thì tìm ra cách trồng thì không khó phải đi tìm lục lội trên net cho mệt . Yae post đây không phải dành riêng cho vn đâu à, mà là cho mọi người trong nước và nước ngoài international okay! :D bigbabol không hiểu cũng không sao, một chút có mạnh thường quân sẽ ra tay nghiã hiệp dịch cho bạn Okay Mr., hehehe cái này bạn tự mò vào đọc là do bạn, cận thị là cũng là tại bạn, tôi đâu kêu bạn đọc ... hahaha :eek: ai mà chiụ cho bạn đây, way way có insurance hông đây, mai mốt vô post của tôi đọc, bạn phải đưa giấy bảo hiểm kiểm xoát xong mới cho vào nhen :cool:

thân chào
yes, ok nhưng mà tui nghĩ mấy người bên Mỹ cũng khoái đọc tiếng Việt vì vậy họ mới vô trang tiếng Việt:D
mà vô trang tiếng Việt thấy toàn tiếng Anh, tưởng vô lộn rồi đi ra mất tiêu luôn thì................ :D:D:D
nói chơi cho vui thôi, tui thấy bạn rất chân tình và nhiệt tình, nếu cần gì giúp, tui sẽ giúp cho bạn dịch thuật vì tui có nhiều bạn chuyên ngành nông học.
0909020104 Tuấn


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vậy thì còn gì bằng! ký contract liền! những bài viết của Yae đem về thì ACE thấy được giúp cho 1 tay phiên dịch ra tiếng việt để cho ACE khác có thể đọc. Nói chung thì mục đích chung cũng là xây dựng cho diễn đàn được phong phú thôi. Tôi biết post english các ACE đọc cực nhọc nhưng mà trong nước giờ cũng đâu ít nhân tài giỏi nước ngoại ngữ đúng khg nè bạn bigbabol viết tên bạn tôi muốn quẹo tay :D thôi vây hen ...